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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Skinny People Are Real People Too

I was studying for a life orientation exam today and I can across an article titled “Attention-Seeking Women.” A part of this article really got to me. “Did women forget why they were given their beautiful bodies? They are supposed to store fat to carry them through pregnancies, but too few women appreciate this. They become stick-think so that they can wear stupid clothes. They have been blessed with wide hip bones for childbirth and breasts that are for feeding babies.”

This brings me to something that my best friend says often, “skinny people are real people too.” A new stereotype has been associated with skinny people, mostly girls, that the reason that people are stick skinny is because of their need to fit into the media image of “beautiful.” Well I am skinny. I don’t have wide hips, curves or breasts and I can tell you that I don’t chose to be this way. I don’t starve myself, exercise extensively or throw up after every meal. As the very controversial Lady Gaga says, “I was born this way.”

I often get judged because of how thin I am. I’ve been asked if I’m anorexic, bulimic or even have TB. None of which I am. I’ve been teased, poked and prodded, made fun of just like every other under the sun. So people need to stop thinking that all skinny people are skinny by choice. I just like fat people (and yes, if you’re fat, you’re fat. Doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with that) have body image issues. I sometimes feel self conscious, have low self esteem, and feel uncomfortable in my own skin, but I realise that I am fearfully and wonderfully made in His image so there is no need for me to feel that way.

People need to realise that skinny people are real people too. Skinny, fat or normal sized (whatever that is); we are all beautiful and unique in our own way because God makes no mistakes.


Sassi said...

great look!

zeppelin said...

You know what else is wrong with that article (or at least the few lines you did post)? It not only beats on skinny women but the author also thinks the sole purpose a woman's body is supposed to fulfill is carrying a child. Also, I definitely don't appreciate someone else telling me how my body supposed to be and what it was made for.
Anyway, moving away from my mini-rant, I agree with you, footy chick, your body doesn't define you and if people do persist, "Screw you" seems to work well.

Homefri said...

Thank you! Glad to see that some people understand. And there was so much more that was wrong with that article. The writer seemed to think that women who try look sexy are asking to be sexually harassed. That made me really angry too, but I just felt like the other issue was more relevant to my life at that moment.

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